Acne Specialist

West Derm Center
Dermatology located in Bronx, NY, White Plains, NY, New Rochelle, NY & Yonkers, NY
Known as one of the most common chronic skin problems that both teens and adults struggle with, acne affects up to 50 million Americans. If you struggle with acne, book an evaluation with the skilled dermatologists at West Derm Center, with locations in White Plains, New Rochelle, and Yonkers, New York, as well as three clinics in the Bronx in Pelham Gardens, Kingsbridge, and Spuyten Duyvil. Click the online scheduler to book your acne evaluation or call the office nearest you directly to speak with a team member.
Acne Q & A
Why do I have acne?
Acne occurs when your pores clog with dead skin, dirt, oil, and debris. Usually, clogs begin with a buildup of dead skin cells. Your skin normally sheds these dead skin cells, but if you have too much sebum (oil) production, skin cells become trapped and your pores clog.
Excess oil production isn’t the only cause of acne. Your risk of acne increases due to:
- Family history of acne
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Prescription medications, including birth control pills
Whether you have occasional breakouts or frequent pimples and blemishes, acne isn’t anything you should ignore. Without proper treatment, acne can lead to permanent scars and even skin discoloration.
When should I see a dermatologist for acne?
Early intervention is helpful when you have acne. The dedicated dermatology team at West Derm Center encourages you to schedule an acne evaluation if you have any of the following issues:
- Skin discoloration, such as dark spots
- Frequent blackheads or whiteheads
- Painful cysts or nodules
- Acne scars
It’s also important to book an acne exam if you’re an adult and suddenly experience serious acne breakouts. This can be a warning sign of a hormonal issue or a side effect of serious stress, among other problems.
Your dermatologist at West Derm Center examines your skin, checks your medical history, and talks with you about your symptoms. They may also run some labs to pinpoint possible causes of acne so they can treat the underlying issue directly.
How does a dermatologist treat acne?
At West Derm Center, you can undergo the most up-to-date acne treatments available so you can soothe and heal your skin, while minimizing acne scarring. To treat your acne breakout and prevent further issues, your dedicated dermatologist may recommend:
- Chemical peels, like the VI Peel®
- Red light therapy
- Medical extractions
- Cortisone injections
- Hormone therapy
Your dermatologist can also tailor a home skin care regimen for your unique skin needs. They can help you select clinical-grade products that keep your acne and oil production under control.
West Derm Center provides integrative acne treatments and preventive solutions. You can book your acne appointment online or call any clinic to book by phone.
Conditions & Services
Acnemore info
Eczemamore info
Psoriasismore info
Pediatric Dermatologistmore info
Cosmetic Dermatologymore info
Skin Cancermore info
Rosaceamore info
Laser Hair Removalmore info
Varicose Veinsmore info
Laser Tattoo Removalmore info
Aesthetic Dermatologymore info
Vitiligomore info
Moles & Wartsmore info
Alopeciamore info
Hyperpigmentationmore info
Kybellamore info
Melasmamore info
Skincare Treatmentsmore info
Microdermabrasionmore info
Body Contouringmore info
Facial Rejuvenationmore info
Laser Treatmentsmore info
Skin Rejuvenationmore info
Botoxmore info
Cancermore info
Fillersmore info
Skin Screeningmore info
Chemical Peelsmore info
Dermatitismore info
Skin Tag Removalmore info
Mole Removalmore info
Eczemamore info
Hair Loss Treatmentmore info
Juvedermmore info
Urticaria (Hives)more info
Skin Biopsymore info
Abscessmore info
Removal of Cystmore info
Dermabrasionmore info
Fungal Infectionmore info